Thursday, 13 September 2012

My hari raya

    This year my celebration on ‘Hari Raya’ a bit same like previous year. But this year my older sister celebrate her first day of ‘Hari Raya’ on behalf her husband’s family. So there are had a feeling of not complete in our heart. But we still celebrate ‘Hari Raya’ just like usual.

    On the first day of ‘Hari Raya’ my family and I went to my grandmother’s house to celebrate ‘Hari Raya’ together with all the other of our family member. It was just so fun, because we haven’t met for almost a year so during the ‘Hari Raya’ it was the day that we talk to each other.

    On the second day of ‘Hari Raya’ all of my family member will visiting my grandmothers relatives just like we had done every year on the second day of ‘Hari Raya’. It just likes our family tradition to do it every year during the second day of ‘Hari Raya’. It was a very tiring day because we visited a lot of house. But it was very fun

    On the third day of ‘Hari Raya’, I just stay in home, because normally on the third day of ‘Hari Raya’ my relatives on my late father sides will come to visited. After my older sister and her husband back from their hometown, on the next day we went to our relative house on my late father sided to visiting them.

    A week after the ‘Hari Raya’ we went to my aunt house for visiting. Actually all of our relatives already went there, but because we wait my sister to back from her husband hometown so didn’t go together with the other member of my family. I think that all I want to tell you guys about my celebration during the ‘Hari Raya’ this year. It was just a simple celebration but it really meant a lot to me. See you guys on my next entry.

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